[1ESO] Task 200427

En la página 144 de vuestro libro tenéis estos tres breves textos. Leedlos y entendedlos, apuntando las palabras que os resulten “nuevas” y su traducción. Después, contestad a las preguntas señaladas en el recuadro rojo.

Una vez hecho, copiadlo todo aquí abajo en un comentario con este formato:
•Palabras nuevas con su traducción.

Deadline: April the 29th at noon.

52 comentarios en “[1ESO] Task 200427

  1. [1ESO] Answers page 144

    1. A bullet train.
    2. On high buildings. Because they watch the birds below and wait for the right moment to catch them.
    3. The male is smaller and it isn’t dangerous.
    4. The female is black with red marks under its body.
    5. One eye can look forwards while the other one looks backwards.
    6. The male has the babies.

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  2. dives: picado, bullet: bala, male: masculino, fimale: femenino, rattlesnake: serpiente de cascabel, shape: forma, feature: caracteristica.

    1. bullet train
    2. Around cities and around the coast, because it sit on high buildings and watch the birds below them.
    3. The male is smaller then the female
    4. It is black with red marks under is body
    5. One eyes can look forwards wihle the other eye looks backwards
    6. The male has the babies

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  3. Dices – sumergir
    Bullet – bala
    Rattlesnake – serpiente cascabel
    Shape – forma
    Strangest – extraño
    Forwards – hacia delante
    Backwards – hacia atrás

    1.- a bullet train
    2.- un the cities ir coasts. They often sit on high buildings and watch the birds below them.
    3.- that the females venom is 15 times greter than that of the rattlesnake.
    4.- is black with red marks under its body.
    5.- one eye can look forwards while the other eye looks backwards.
    6.- the male has hoy the babies, not the female.

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  4. •Palabras nuevas con su traducción.
    1: eel-> anguila
    2: Rattlesnake-> serpiente de cascabel
    3: venom-> veneno
    4: falcons-> halcones
    5: feature-> característica
    6: bullet -> bala

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  5. New words with their translation:
    Peregrine falcon-> Halcón peregrino.
    Black widow-> Viuda negra.
    Rattlesnake-> Serpiente de cascabel.
    Seahorse-> Caballito de mar.


    1: The bullet train.

    2: In high buildings.
    Because there they watch the little birds and catch them.

    3: They different in that the female is very dangerous and the male is not.

    4: It is black with red marks under its body.

    5: One looks forwards and the other looks backwards.

    6: The male has the babies, not the female.

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  6. Palabras nuevas con su traducción: widow – viuda
    Respuestas ejercicios.
    1- the peregrine falcon moves as fast as a bullet train.
    2- you can see peregrine falcons around cities, but they are most common around the coast.
    3- the male black widow spider is smaller than the female and is not dangerous, but females are the most dangerous spiders
    4- the black widow spider is black whit red marks under the body.
    5- seahorses have got the strangests eyes – one eye can look forwards while the other eye looks backwards.
    6- it differs from the other animals in that the seahorses while looking with one eye forwards the other eye look backwards.

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  7. 1)that the Falcon is fast as transport since It runs at 350kilometres an hour
    2)you can find them in the cities at thought they are more on the coasts.Because they stand on top of buildings to capture their prey
    3)the male black window spider os smaller than the female and It isn’t dangerous.
    4)the black window spider os more dangerous.
    5)that the while one eyes looks forward the other bach
    6)the male has the babies nota the femals

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  8. bullet wait birds catch strangest
    bala esperar pájaros atrapar extraño
    1) Yes, it is
    2)Around cities but they are most common around the coast,
    because they often sit in tall buildings and watch the birds below them
    3)the male black widow spider is smaller than the female and it isn´t dangerous
    4)the female black widow spider is black with red marks under its body
    5)because its unusual shape makes it difficult to swim fast
    6)because its unusual shape makes it difficult to swim your eyes

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  9. Respuestas:
    1-> The peregrine falcon moves as fast as a bullet train.
    2-> They oftensit high buildings because they watch the birds below them and them they catch them.
    3-> The male black widow spider is smaller tan the female and it isn’t dangerous.
    4-> The female black widow spider is black with red marks under its body.
    5-> One of his eye can look forwards while the other eye look backwards.
    6-> The difference is that the male has the babies, not the female.

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  10. Feature = característica
    Shape = forma
    1: The bullet train.
    2: In high places to see the others birds.
    3: She habe reds marks under its body.
    4: More small than the male.
    5: One eye can look foraward than the other eye can looks bakwards.
    6: The male has the babies.

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  11. Female=hembra. Shape=forma. Feature=característica.

    1. The bullet tran.
    2. In high places to see the others birds.
    3. She have red marks under the body.
    4. More small than the male.
    5. One eye can look forwards while the other eye looks backwards.
    6. The different is than the male has the baibes.

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  12. Words:
    -cheetah (leopardo)
    -female (hembra)
    -widow (viuda)
    -eel (anguila)
    -dives down (se sumerge)
    -bullet (bala)
    -rattlesnake’s (serpiente cascabel)
    – male (varón)
    -forwards (hacia delante)
    -backwards (hacia atrás)

    Answer the questions.

    1. The peregrine falcon moves at the same speed as a bullet train.
    2. I can see peregrine falcons around cities and around the coast.
    3. The male black spider is smaller than the female and it isn’t dangerous.
    4. The female black widow spider is black with red marks under its body.
    5. The seahorse’s eyes are special because one eye can looks forwards while the other eye looks backwards.
    6. The difference is that the males have the babies, not the females.

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  13. Palabras nuevas
    Dive: zambullirse, tirarse de cabeza.
    Bullet: bala.
    Wait: esperar.
    Buildings: edificios.
    Male: masculino, varón, macho.
    Widow: viuda.
    Rattlesnake: serpiente de cascabel.
    Shape: forma.
    1. A bullet train moves at the same speed as a peregrine falcon.
    2. Around cities on high buildings and around the coast. Because there they can hunt smaller birds.
    3. The male black widow spider is smaller than the female and it isn´t dangereous.
    4. It ´s black with read marks under its body.
    5. One eye can look forwards while the other eye loos backwards.
    6. The male seahorse has the babies.

    Me gusta

  14. 1.It movés at 350 kilometres an tour.
    2. You can ser peregrine falcons around cities, but they are most common around the coast.
    3. The male black widow spider os smaller than the female and It isn’t dangerous.
    4. The female black widow spider os black with red marks under its body.
    5. Seahorses have got the strangest eves -one eve can look forwards while the other eve looks backwards!
    6. The male has the babies, not the female!
    Word translation:
    Seahorses-caballito de Mar

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  15. – Palabras nuevas con su traducción:
    Bullet: bala/ Train: entrenar/ common: común/
    Around: alrededor/ Wait: espere/ Venom: veneno/ Rattlesnake: serpiente de cascabel/
    Slowest: más lento/ strangest: más extraño/
    Forward: adelante/ feature: características.
    – Respuestas:
    1- The peregrine falcon moves at 350 kilometres an hour.
    2- You can see peregrine falcons around cities, but they are most common around the coast, because they aften sit on high building and watch the birds below them.
    3- The male black widow spider is smaller than the female and it isn’t dangerous.
    4- The famale black widow spider is black with red marks under its body.
    5- Seahorse have got the strangest eyes- one eye can look forwards while the other eye looks backwards.
    6- The male has the babies, not the female.

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  16. New vocabulary:
    peregrine falcon = halcón peregrino
    rattlesnake = serpiente cascabel
    swimmer = nadador
    forwards = hacia adelante
    backwards = hacia atrás
    feature = característica

    Answer the questions:
    1. A bullet train.
    2. You can see peregrine falcons around cities, but they are most common around the coast.
    3. The male black window spider is smaller than the famale and it isn’t dangerous.
    4. It’s black with red marks under its body.
    5. Seahorses have got the strangest eyes – one eye can look forwards while the other eye looks backwards.
    6. The male has the babies, not the female.

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  17. Palabras que no sabia
    female : hembra
    backwards : hacia atras
    1) the train moves as fast as the falcon
    2) can be seen around the cities.Because they often sit on high buildings and watch the birds below them .
    3) That the female is not dangerous and is small and the male is dangerous and large.
    4) The female black window spider isblack whit red marks under its body .
    5) Because seahorses have the strangest eyes.
    6) The male has the babies, not thr female.

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  18. peregrine, peregrino
    buildings, edificios
    female, hembra
    venom, veneno
    slowest, el mas lento
    seahorse, caballo de mar
    forwards, hacia delante
    1.bird nonsense
    2.on sea cliffs because it has preference in open terrain
    3.the male is smaller than the female
    4.it is carbon black and long legs with a red or yellow orange pattern (…where?)
    5.that the eyes have independent mobility from each other
    6.what is the greatest exponent of marine camouflage and that the male is the only one that stays nonsense

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  19. New words.
    Bullet train: tren bala Buildings: edificios.

    1.The peregrine falcon as fast as a bullet train.
    2.You can see around de cities, but they are most common around the coast.
    3.Because the male is smaller than the female and it isn’t dangerous.
    4.The female black widow spider is black with red marks under its body.
    5.The seahorse with one eye can look forwards while the other eye looks backwards.
    6.The male seahorse has the babies, not the female.

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  20. 1. A bullet train
    2. Around the coast and on high buildings because they watch the birds below them
    3. [subject?] Is smaller than the female because is less dangerous than female
    4. [subject?] Is black with red marks under its body.
    5. One eye of seahorse look forwards while the other eye looks backwards.

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  21. •Palabras nuevas con su traducción.
    Widow – viuda
    Famele -hembra
    Back wards – hacia atrás
    1.it moves at 350 kilometers an hour nonsense
    2.in cicyes because wath tehe birds below them
    3.because their venom is 15 times stronger than a rattlesnakesnonsense
    5. One eye can look forwards while the other eye looks backwards
    6. The male has the babies

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  22. 1.The peregrine falcon moves like a bullet train
    2.the peregrine falcons can be seen around cities, but they are more common around the coast.
    Because they sit in tall buildings and watch the birds below them. Then they wait for the rigtmoment to catch them.

    3.The difference is that the male black widow is smaller than the female black widow.

    4. The female black widow has red spots and is big

    5.The eyes of the seahorse are special, while one looks forward the other can looks back.

    6.They are different in that the male has the babies, not the female.

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  23. females , moves,peregrines [and their meanings?]
    1that’s as fast as a bullet train
    2you can see peregrine falcons around cities, but tehy are most common arount the coat.
    3their venom is 15times stronger than a rattlesnake’s
    4the female black window spider is black with red marks under its body.
    5seahorses have got the stragest eyes: one eyes can look forwards while the ofthen eye looks backwards.
    6 they differ in that seahorses are the slowest because of their body shape

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  24. dives down- se sumerge
    forwards-hacia delante

    1 The bullet train.
    2 I can see on high building.
    Because they can see birds below them.
    3 The male black widow spider is smaller than the female.
    4 It´s black with red marks under its body.
    5 That one eye can look forwards while the other eye looks backwards.
    6 That the male has the babies.

    Me gusta

  25. 1. A type of plane called a fighter?😅😂
    2. Around the cities, but they are more
    Common around the coast

    3) [???]
    4. With red marks under his body
    5. The eyes, one eye can
    look forward and the other back
    6.The male has
    you drink them, not the females

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  26. 1pregunta. He is fast like a bullet train
    2pregunta. You can often see it around the coast bicause he waching the bird and hunting there.
    3pregunta. The male black widow spider is smaller than the female.
    4pregunta. The female black widow spider is black with red marcks under its budy.
    5pregunta. Seahorses have got the strangest eyes. [why?]
    6pregunta. Bicause is the slowest swimwn in the ocean.

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  27. 1. The Peregrine Falcon is as fast as a bullet tren
    2. You can see a Peregrine Falcon around the coast
    3. The spider male is smalller and the female is more dangerous than the male
    4. The female is black with red marks under its body and it´s more dangerous their venom is 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake,s
    5. One eye can look forwards while the other eye can looks backwards
    6. The male has the babies not the female

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  28. Dives: bucear
    Bullet: Bla
    Common: común
    Male: maculino
    Widow: viuda
    Females: hembras
    Shape: forma
    forwards: hacia delante
    Backwards: hacia atrás

    1. A bullet train.
    2. They often sit on high buildings for catch the birds below them.
    3. She is small, but she eat spiders.
    4. The famele black widow spider is black with red marks under its body.
    5. One eye looks forwards while the other eye looks backwsrds.
    6. In that the male has got the babies.

    Me gusta

  29. Palabras nuevas con su traducción :
    Bullet : bala
    Shape : forma
    Preguntas :
    1.A bullet train.
    2. Around cities. Because they sit in high buildings to watch the birds below and catch them .
    3.The male black widow is smaller than the female .
    4.It have a black body with red marks under its body .
    5.They have the strangest eyes , one eye can look forwards while the other eye looks backwards .
    6. They are the slowest swimers and the male has the babies .

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  30. Palabras nuevas:
    bullet–> bala
    female–> hembra
    forwards–> hacia delante
    widow–> viuda

    1. A bullet train
    2.Om high buidings. Because they watch the birds below and wait for the right moment to catch them.
    3.The male is smaller and it isn´t dangerous.
    4. The female is black with red marks under its body.
    5. One eye can look forwards while the other one looks backwards.
    6. The male has the babies

    Me gusta

  31. 1. A bullet train.
    2. On higth building. Because they watch the birds below and wait for the right moment to catch them.
    3. the male is smaller and it isn’t dangerous
    4. the female is black with red marks under it’s body.
    5. one eye can look forwards while the other one looks backwards.
    6. the malehas the babies.

    Me gusta

  32. 1. A bullet train.
    2. On high buildings. Because they watch the birds below and wait for the right moment to catch them.
    3. It’s smaller and it isn’t dangerous.
    4. The female is black with red marks under its body.
    5. It’s special beacuse one eye can look forwards while the other one looks backwards.
    6. The male has the babies.
    bullet train: tren bala
    dives: bucear
    common: común
    rattlesnake: serpiente de cascabel
    forwards: hacia adelante
    backwards: hacia atrás
    feature: caracterísitica

    Me gusta

  33. Dices – sumergir
    Bullet – bala
    Rattlesnake – serpiente cascabel
    Shape – forma
    Strangest – extraño
    Forwards – hacia delante
    Backwards – hacia atrás

    1.- a bullet train
    2.- un the cities ir coasts. They often sit on high buildings and watch the birds below them.
    3.- that the females venom is 15 times greter than that of the rattlesnake.
    4.- is black with red marks under its body.
    5.- one eye can look forwards while the other eye looks backwards.
    6.- the male has hoy the babies, not the female.

    Me gusta

  34. New vocabulary:
    peregrine falcon = halcón peregrino
    rattlesnake = serpiente cascabel
    swimmer = nadador
    forwards = hacia adelante
    backwards = hacia atrás
    feature = característica

    Answer the questions:
    1. A bullet train.
    2. You can see peregrine falcons around cities, but they are most common around the coast.
    3. The male black window spider is smaller than the famale and it isn’t dangerous.
    4. It’s black with red marks under its body.
    5. Seahorses have got the strangest eyes – one eye can look forwards while the other eye looks backwards.
    6. The male has the babies, not the female.

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