[BCH] 12 angry men

Here you are my New Year’s present: 12 angry men, the classic film I told you about.

Remember it’s a voluntary work (which I’ll value positively, of course). Don’t tell me what it is about, because I already know, nor copy anything from the net, because it will have the opposite effect.

Write about your feelings while watching the film, your ideas and opinions, and act as a juror too: vote «guilty» or «non guilty» each time they do (except for the first one, obviously, as you still don’t know what’s all about) and write it down. Then, you will tell if you changed your mind and, if so, when you did.

You can download the folder with the film in English and its subtitles in English and in Spanish here. (If you want to watch the play in Spanish, you can download it here).

Enjoy it!

[P.S.: At first, it was intended only for my group of 2BCH, but I thought it should be open to both groups of 1BCH too]

11 comentarios en “[BCH] 12 angry men

  1. I wonder if the human being is really qualified to judge and decide on the life of a neighbor since when we have feelings, we are not totally objective.
    This film is a reflection of human behavior: those who have social prejudices and do not watch anymore, considering that if you live in a marginal neighborhood and with a broken family, you have all the ballots to be a criminal or a murderer. Those who are indifferent to the problems and sufferings of others. And those who feel empathy and can change their opinion if the arguments presented are acceptable and have a logical basis.
    For me, the boy is innocent when it is shown that the older man did not take fifteen, but forty seconds to make the journey from his room to the stairs, where he is supposed to have seen the boy fleeing.

    Rather well (but you should avoid Google translations and its American spelling…)

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  2. When the film started, the judges have said the crime litte by litte. At first I thought that the boy was guilty because the things that the judges said made [me] believe that he was. When the judge who said the boy was innocent from the start, has taken out the other kinife like the knife of [the] crime, I kept think that the boy was guilty because knives can be bought in many places and there are many of the same. While I thought I was guilty[,] I also thought about how a son could kill his father. Later, whem he was given the argument that the old man couldn’t hear the cry «I’m going to kill you» because with the noise it was impossible, I have begun to dobut. On the other hand, when the judge has verified with the chairs the recognition of the old man and has seen that [what] the old man said was impossible, I thought the boy was innocent. When they later found that the women witness couldn’t see the crime well because she wears glasses and at night she doesn’t wear them to sleep so she didn’t se the crime well. The lady imagined it was the boy. After this argument[,] I thought that the boy was innocent. After watching [the] film[,] I realized that if the judge wouldn’t have opposed the others, the boy would have been guity and would be dead. All this because the judges want to go home quickly or to different places. In rhs film it was observed that there are people who take their work seriously and others who don’t. And that in my opinion is wrong because you always have to do things right. When I have observed the rudeness of some judges I have gotten angry because you always have to respect [object?]. At the end of the film I felt good because tha right things was done. And finally what happened to judge number three is that he was frustrated by his personal situation and I wanted to pay for it with the crime boy. But in the end[,] the judge realizes that all the arguments of his companions are reasonable and says that the boy is innocent.

    «judge» ≠ «jury» or «juror» (Oh, those filthy Google translations…!)
    REVISE your writing before publishing! You would have avoided a lot of mistakes. And also avoid Google translations: this is «Spanglish» syntax.

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  3. In my opinion, at the beginning of the film. My vote was clear, and It is that for me the boy who [presumably] killed his father was totally guilty. Despite that, during the film.The jury number 8 convinced me with his arguments.
    I changed my opinion when the jury number 8 took out a identical knife to the knife used in the crime. Moreover, I also changed my opinion when the judge said that the old man couldn’t have heard «I’ll kill you» due to the noise [of] the train. Or when the judge said that the woman couldn’t see the crime, because the judge believe that she was without her glasses.

    During the film I felt confused and I was changing my opinion constantly because the judge provided many good and different arguments.

    In conclusion, I think that the boy isn’t guilty but I’m not sure of his innoccence. This is because I still have doubts about the change of vote of jury number 3. [!?]

    Rather messy… You should order your ideas before writing and revise afterwards.
    «judge» ≠ «jury»…

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  4. At the beginning of the film, everything points to the boy being guilty, which made me feel very angry for his father. However, when the facts are well analyzed, some end up being null and void and indicate that he is innocent. This made me have a bit more compassion since a life could have been judged without reason.

    In my opinion, it is more than proven that the child is innocent[;] at first I thought otherwise, but you cannot criticize something without analyzing it well.

    But… what made you change your mind?

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    I believe that this film is really hard but at the same time, it is very entertaining because you are waiting for the judge final decision until the end of the film. Also, I was very attentive to the film because the most important was the plot.
    In the second vote, I would have voted «guilty» because the accused explanation wasn’t convincing. However, in the third vote, my vote would have been «not guilty» because it wasn’t certain about the old man testimony. From this vote, I wouldn’t change my opinion of «not guilty» because I have clear to take my choise.

    «vote» ≠ «voting, poll…»; «judge» ≠ «jury». You should avoid Google translations… 🙄 and revise before publishing.

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  6. In the beginning , when they started to tell what the boy had done, I thought he was guilty because the facts pointed out that he was guilty, but the first moment they started to tell the little details and things that contradicted that he was guilty, I definitely changed my mind until the last moment. At first[,] when I started to watch the film[,] it seemed boring and very old but when I had been watching it for a few minutes[,] I started to like it since it also showed some characteristics that all people tend to[,] like the fear of saying what one thinks or not being able to. contradict the majority so as not to be the black sheep of the flock.

    But… specifically, what made you change your mind?

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  7. Maybe it’s a bit late, but it has been a very interesting movie for me. From the beginning almost everyone assumes that the boy is guilty, but generally in court «everyone is innocent until proven otherwise», which happens throughout the film. I think it’s great the way they relate to each other and how they develop, completely changing their minds.
    In short, it has been an entertaining movie, full of small details that you have to pay attention to to realize.

    But… what made you change your mind?

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  8. In all cases I have voted that the son of the man who had died was innocent. This is because I think there isn’t clear proof that he is the murderer of his father and so I think that they shouldn’t declare him guilty without being sure that he is. In the beginning of the film I thought that the 11 men who voted that the suspect was guilty did so to take off the responsibility they had and get it over with quickly, but the man who voted that the suspect was innocent was brave and fair because he wasn’t sure that the son of the dead man was guilty.

    •What made you change your mind???
    •Tense concordance.

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  9. At the beginning of the film, I thought that the boy was guilty since the first time they voted, everyone was going against him and it did not seem right to me that a son killed his father. The second time they voted, I kept thinking that he was guilty because the arguments were not safe. Later my opinion changed because as they were saying arguments in favor of the boy, such as the witness who lived near the boy who said that he had had time to see who it had been but since he was lame he would not have time, I thought he was innocent. I think this film makes me think a lot because it made me change my mind, at first I didn’t like it but later I liked it. Each member of the jury makes you think one thing.

    Quite well but a bit messy.
    You should order your ideas before writing, use commas, and revise your writing afterwards.

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  10. This movie has made me think about how it can change things in seconds. My opinion of the film is good because they give arguments about what happens. I thought the boy was guilty, but after the argument given by a member of the jury [which argument? which member?], I already thought he was innocent.
    My feelings when the film started were a bit bad because I thought that the son had killed the father, but later the feelings were good because I saw how I was wrong thinking that he was guilty and in the end I liked the film.

    Try to be more substantial and avoid redundant words.
    You don’t say what made you change your mind…

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  11. I found it to be a very interesting film, with some very good dialogue and a realistic atmosphere that immerses you in the plot from the beginning. It makes me frustrated [to see?] how some of the members of the jury refuse the innocence of the presumed guilty in the first place. I knew he must be innocent, although, the evidence that persuaded me was the position of the knife with respect to the height of the guilty and the victim. This movie makes you think that justice sometimes sentences people who are innocent. I recommend this movie to people who like to think while watching the movie.


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