[1BCH] [2BCH] Reading #1: Asterix the Gaul

Let’s go for this year’s readings… And how could we start better than with those readings you did not in the summer? 😜

Follow this link to read it online or to download it in PDF. After that, you must write a personal comment (of about 100 words) on this comic down here, as a comment.
Remember: not a summary but your personal impressions; forget the Wikipedia!

[2BCH] October the 6th, before lessons: we’ll start reading your comments in class.
[1BCH] October the 12th, after the «Pilar’s bridge».

51 comentarios en “[1BCH] [2BCH] Reading #1: Asterix the Gaul

  1. Ahhh… Asterix the Gaul, I haven’t heard of this character for long time. I remember his stories from some films that were broadcated in Boing and some comics that I read as a kid and I keep since then.

    About the story of the volumen its self, there is nothing out of the usual of this comics, its the classic formula of the roman empire trying to defeat the Gauls, to then, in the end, proceded to lose again. I don’t say it has a bad thing, there are differences in each story but, you can summarize all of them with that plotline, or at least with all the things about Asterix that I remember.

    Anyways, that doesn’t remove how fun the adventures of Asterix and Obelix are to read and how nostalgic was looking back at this cómic after many years.

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  2. I remember a lot of comics about Asterix the Gaul, which I read when I was child and also, I watched his films on television. However, it’s the first time I read a comic in English.

    About this story I would say that it’s amazing because Gauls use their intelligence to defeat Romans. Also, as it’s usual, Gauls use their ironic humor to laugh at their enemy while they are preparing his fake magic potion. A potion which helps people to grow their hair.

    Moreover, reading this comic has been a nostalgic experience for me and I have remember that Gauls always win against Romans because they have the magic potion.

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  3. Asterix the gaul is a comic. When I read it, I reminded my childhood. However, I prefer to watch the films instead of reading the books.

    I believe that if you read this comic, you can learn something about the real life.

    Firstly, you mustn’t lie because you will be denounced. For instance, in the comic the Romans are caught by the Gallic.

    Secondly, it isn’t necessary to be strong to win a war. You only need be intelligent. So, Asterix is too intelligent, however the potion help him to be more stronger but it is unnecessary.

    Finally, from my point of view the moral is that if you are clever, you can be better than other people. In this way, if you know more than anyone, you can bribe them.


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  4. The asterix and obelix comics are all similar. This one in particular speaks of the superhuman strength that the Gauls had when they drank their magic potion. The Romans tried to defeat them but never could. To do this they tried to copy the potion that gave them superhuman strength and it was unsuccessful. These comics are very entertaining and easy to read.

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  5. After reading the comic Asterix the Gaul, I have been able to remember a part of my childhood when I saw the cartoons or read the comics of Asterix and Obelix.

    I found the comic very interesting, although the ending was more than predictable, it was impossible for the romans to keep Panoramix and Asterix because they are two of the most important people of the Gauls, because asterix is the smartest and panoramix is the one who makes the potions of strength.

    Although the comic has an ending, I would like to read more to know if the Gauls resist the Romans.

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  6. When I was little I loved reading Asterix the Gaul, and now reading it again brings back good memories, I also watched the movies and I loved them

    Asterix stories have a plot that, although they are similar, always have that humor that makes you keep reading. You never know how the story will continue. As in all their stories, Gauls have the magic potion that helps them defeat the Romans, in this story they make a fake magic potion to trick them.

    Asterix teaches us that it is not necessary to be strong, but to be intelligent to succeed.

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  7. Asterix the Gaul is part of my childhood although I have to admit that I wasn’t a big fan but I read some comics and watched movies.
    This particular comic, I think he wants to teach a lesson. The book wants to teach that strength doesn´t win intelligence, but it wants to teach you from humor. As is normal in these books, the humor is there but always with a lesson.
    And I think another lesson that these books give us is that the soldiers of the Roman Empire try to win against the Gauls and even if they don’t, they still don’t give up and try again.
    Finally, I believe that these books should be read by children today or at least, that children give them a chance like I did.

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  8. We all remember this phrase at the beginning of a comic or one of the Asterix movies.
    “We are in the year 50 before Jesus Christ. All of Gaul is occupied by the Romans… all of it? No! A village populated by irreducible Gauls still and always resists the invader. And life is not easy for the garrisons of Roman legionnaires, because they always end up humiliated or defeated by asterix and obelix thanks to the druid’s secret potion.
    With the passage of time, my reading of comics has decreased in favor of other kinds of books with more letters and fewer drawings, but my interest and my taste for them remains intact,that’s why I was excited to read this comic again.

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  9. As soon as I started reading the comic, memories of my childhood have come to me since I used to read them together with the movies.
    These stories can reflect facts of everyday life, some people want to take advantage of others but are deceived. With these stories you can see that smart people always beat those who have more strength. You can see that the Gauls laugh all the time at the Romans making fake potions.
    The propuse that this comic teaches us is that the intelligent always beat those who have more strength

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  10. Asterix the Gaul was one of my favourite films when i was little, although honestly I have never read the comics, especially because I don’t like reading. I used to prefer to watch the movies.
    I have always liked the films because they usually had a very simple and entertaining. And too due to how the author uses the humor troughout the comic.
    It can be appreciated when the gauls use their intelligence to defeat the romans gauls playing a prank on they.
    I really liked remembering these characters and their funny stories.

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  11. What a way to become a child for a moment, Asterix the Gaul, in the past, used to be one of my major source of funny moments with «Mortadelo y Filemon» (In my opinion the best comics)

    This crazy stories about a Gaul village with a magical potion wich incrases the strengh of the people who drinks it, and the strange plans to try to steal the magical potion to invade that Gaul village, is perfect to have a good time reading something not very dificult.

    This comics are one of the most sold in the world and it is for something, crazy histories, ridiculous humor but efective and funny pictures.
    What else do you want to have fun?

    (Correct please)

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  12. Reading Asterix the Gaul reminded me a day in the school that we were in class and the teacher brought a lot of comics, that day we should choose a book or a comic and we had to read it to a child. I choose the comic Asterix the Gaul, and I trusted that this comic wasn’t bored, and I think that I find the best reading, because after everyone wanted this comic. One week after we read it in class, and we had to do a homework about it.
    In conclusion, this comic have remember me thoose days that I had to do homeworks and read about this comic.

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  13. Personal comment on Asterix The Gaul:
    Comics are not the type of things that I like to read. I have always liked Asterix, but for years I have not paid attention to this type of comic.
    Today Asterix albums can be found in any public library and never stop selling in specialized bookstores. In this type of comic there are things that can creep some people, such as fixation on humor based on national stereotypes and anachronisms, but it is still easy to get into the game and enjoy any of these great albums.
    My favorite part of the novel has been when they found all the ingredients to prepare the potion, a potion that causes the dinker´s hair and beard to grow at an accelerated rate. The Romans are tricked into drinking this potion, and in a short amount of time they all have long hair and beards.

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  14. I remember reading these comics when I was little with my father. They bring me back good memories, in fact they could be from my favorite comics.
    Almost all the stories in this comic series deal with the same theme, that the Romans don’t invade that small town where Asterix and Obelix live. To do this they take a potion that gives them superhuman strength.
    Thanks to these illustrations that are accompanied by the dialogues, it becomes more fun to read and the children are more interested. It seems to me that they can have a good time and also share this hobby with their family.

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  15. First of all, Asterix the Gaul is one of the most famous and translated sagas of comics worldwide. I remember watched some films and read some comics during my childhood.
    In the second place, I think that this comic is pleasant to read, because has shorts comics strips easy to read and pictures very illustrative. Also, the main characteristic of this saga of comics is that in all of them appears the famous magical potion, prepared by the druid Panoramix who helps Gallic people to win their enemies, the Romans.
    To sum up, the moral in this story is that is more important make use of the intelligence than strength.

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  16. I guess everybody knows Asterix the gaul, every child had read maybe a little part of the comic or even watched it as a film. I remember reading it in the past, in spanish of course, that´s why it is a little bit weird for me to read the comic in English.

    But putting this aside, I enjoy reading it more than I expected, so that is a good point for the comic. The plot is good, I noticed that because I didn´t realised how fast I was passing the pages so this means that It is really easy to read too.

    Finally, about the pictures, they are so good, there are some pages that it isn´t necessary to read it, only looking at the pictures you can understand de story, that´s cool.

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  17. When I finished reading the comic «Asterix the Gaul»,I remembered when my grandfather used to read me some comic of this saga. Thanks to this task, I have been able to remember teh best momenst of my childhood with my grandfather.
    This comic gives us a lessons and I think is very important for our live. Fisrt of all one means that because you are strong, you aren’t intelligent. The intelligence wins strength. Secondly, you should never give up.
    If schools and high schools made this type of compulsory reading, we would all read of without any problems, as they are fun and you have a good time.

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  18. This comic has seemed me very funny and the characters are very interesting. Also the plot makes the history very dynamic and easy to read. The entire Gaul was conquered by the Romans except a small village called Armorica. The cause for which this village wasn’t conquered. Their inhabitants were very smart and they had a magic potion which gave them an extraordinary strength. Because of this potion the Galics always defeat Romans. Romans sent a spy to the village for finding the magic potion secret, but the spy was uncovered. The inteligents Galics prepare to spy a different potion which makes grow the hair. The spy came back to his camp thinking about That he knows the potion of Strength. Finally, Romans didn’t get conquer the Gaul village.

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  19. Asterix and Obelix comics, besides being old, contain a very entertaining plot and characters that fit very well with the story.
    Asterix, Obelix and their community have shown greater intelligence than the Romans from the beginning of the story, due to the number of Roman attackers and the number of Gaulish counterattackers, although the latter had their potion. The potion that the old man cooked is what gave the strength to the whole community of Gauls to win over the Romans, and the Romans wanted to know how to cook that potion, but the method they used to find out did not work, and using another potion and the cunning of the Gauls, they managed to win over the Romans.
    The Gauls end up celebrating their revenge with great joy, but they have not yet won the battle.

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  20. The action and comedy comic is entertaining with rares characters names as Vitalstatistix and Geriatrix with very funny and beautifull drawing and caricatures, with jakes a bit difficult to understand. I also liked the pictographs of swear words. Used by the Gauls and Romanians and the words as Brff, Bang, Wallop to express sounds.
    Although I have had a hard time understanding that the good guys are the Rumanians, this comic is cool although it is a bit rare, I like it as an account the Julio Cesar history at the end of the comic and my favorite characters is without doubt Obélix.

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  21. When I finished reading the comic «Asterix the Gaul», I remembered when my grandfather used to read me some comic of this saga. Thanks to this task, I have been able to remember the best moments with my grandfather.
    This comic give us a lesson and I think is very important for our lives. First of all, one means that because you are strong, you aren’t intelligent. The intelligence wins strength. Secondly, you should never give up.
    If schools and high schools made this type of compulsory reading, we would all read them without any problem, as they are fun and you have a good time.

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  22. When I was a child I used to read this kind of comic because they were very amusing. Moreover, reading this story has remember me a happy part of my childhood.

    Gauls have demostrated to be more intelligent than Romans since the beginning of this history. In spite of having the magic potion which gives Gauls an extraordinary strength, they got protect their village thanks to their cleverness. Also, I would like to emphasise that comic strips in this story are very colourful and easy to read.

    I believe this comic teaches us that intelligence is the most powerful weapon to defeat the enemy.

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  23. After reading this comic, it reminded me of my childhood but the truth is that I prefer a movie before a comic,but it is still entertaining.
    What do I think about this story? First I think it was the best of my childhood because we learned things that Asterix and Obelix transmitted and because the story was interesting even though they were all similar.
    The best part is when Asterix made fun of the Romans and that is why I think they are funny because they do everything with grace.
    Too bad! that the children now are vitiated to TikTok and don’t read comics like this

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  24. Asterix the Gaul, I used to watch his films with my friends after the primary school. I remember that moments with love.

    This comics tell us the history of a gaul village wich romans are trying to invade but this clever gauls resist the continuous attacks with a magical potion wich concides super human strage if you drink it

    This types of comics atract the people to read it and they can help you to have a great time.

    I love this comics.

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  25. Personal reflection on reading comics (Asterix the Gaul): Honestly, reading comics is not one of my favorite hobbies, but I have to admit that I have always liked reading about Asterix, I think it is something that many of us have grown up with and lived with .
    It is a very interesting and very entertaining comic, it is easy to understand and helps to have a good time. The part of the comic that has caught my attention the most is when they find all the ingredients for the magic potion, a potion that accelerates the growth of things, honestly the comic is incredible.
    I recommend it to everyone because it is worth reading.

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  26. I didn’t know if i was going to like this comic because i had never read it, however this comic is really entertaining.

    Moreover there are things that have surprised me, like that a town ins’t conquered since they have a magical potion. My favourite part is when the druid makes a potion that makes the hair grown long and the romans drink it…

    In my opinion, Asterix is a good comic character and their adventures are fun. Also i think that the comic is a funny way to read because there are many drawings, therefore you understand the comic better.

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  27. First of all I have to say that I’m not much into comics, but honestly I really enjoyed reading this comic. I liked it a lot because not only does it help you have a good time but it also teaches you to be a better person.
    The way Asterix demonstrates his strength and bravery in the comic is impressive.
    With the magic potion that they obtained in the end, many left satisfied with the good work done by Asterix, this comic has helped me to see certain things in a different way.
    And finally I would recommend this book for everyone.

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  28. «Asterix the Gaul» is a comic book I read when I was little. I’ve always really liked the characters of Asterix and Obelix because I believe they’re so nice. Reading it has reminded me of my childhood.
    It is a very entertaining story, the Romans want to get the recipe for the magic potion, so they make plans to get it. In my opinion, the plot is very entertaining and encourages you to continue reading the comic until the end.
    In addition, one of the most important reflections of history is that an intelligent person can in many cases win over one stronger than him, like Asterix and Vercingétorix.

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  29. Reading comics has never been something i liked but when i finished reading this comic i liked It. I remembered that i had read It before. I read It when i was little but i didn’t remember all the details of the comic.
    I believe this comic is very entertaining and encourages people to finish reading It. It is an easy comic to read because It has many drawings and helps you to understand It better.
    The comic teaches us that a clever person can be better than a strong person.
    I really liked reading this book again and i recommend everyone to read this comic.

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  30. When I was ten years old, I read these kinds of stories, I think the stories of Asterix and Obelix are known by everyone.

    One more day, we have been taught that intelligence is more important than strength. The Gauls prove to be better than the Romans. They have defended their village by their cunning and the magic potion, which credits them with improving some of its characteristics.

    After all, they will always teach us that it is better to think than to go crazy for the enemy.

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  31. Asterix the Gaul stories bring back good memories because they remind me of my childhood when I used to read books and watch movies about them with my grandparents.
    All these stories usually deal with the same theme but each one of them tries to teach you something, this one for example teaches you that to succeed you don’t need to be strong but you have to be intelligent and think.
    In conclusion I recommend reading this kind of books as I find them very interesting and funny.
    I hope you like it as much as I do when you read it.

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  32. This story “Asterix the Gaul” is one of the many comics which I read in my childhood. Moreover this saga was my favourite.

    About this story I would say that Romans think they are more intelligent than Gauls and they believe they can conquer the Gaul because of their intelligent, however Romans don’t know that Gauls are really clever and they will be able to defeat Romans. In other stories, Asterix used to win Romans because his druid could make the magic potion using his unknown ingredients. This is a special story because the magic potion isn’t use to defeat Romans.

    It’s has been really pleasant for me to read this comic because I have remembered my childhood.

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  33. I liked this comic a lot since it is the first Asterix story and the comic has a touch of humor and irony

    Asterix the Gaul has some teaching, the main one is that not because you are many and have more power you are not better, what you have to take into account is how and with what intelligence they do it like Asterix, for example here when they want to discover the secret of the strength of the Gauls and they create a plan with which in the end they discover everything.

    I had already read more than one of these comics but I didn’t like this one very much and especially the adventure.

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  34. This comic has reminded me a lot of my childhood, since I always read it with my brother. The asterix and obelix comic series is very easy and fast to read. Asterix the Gaul surprised me with his ironic humor and the message he tries to give you, which is that it is not necessary to have superhuman strength but to be intelligent, since the Gauls made a false magic potion so that the Romans could see that they were beaten by their strength but they were beaten by their intelligence

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  35. When I was a child, I read comics of Asterix and Obelix. They were the funniest people.
    In my opinion, I believe that the romans shouldn’t be selfish and they should share the secret’s potion with the Gauls. In this way, there won’t be fights.
    Also, if you cheat your friends, they will trust you. For example, Gauls were cheated by the romans and they grew hair fast.
    Finally, we don’t need to drink a potion to be strong. So, we need eat healthy food to be powerful. Gauls could be strong if they drink the potion, which caused the war.

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  36. I remember as a kid reading these amazing comics about the Gauls and Romans and the movies I saw on TV when I was 8 years old.
    I always enjoy reading these comics and particularly the book about Asterix the Gaul, I really like the comic and I think it has a very interesting plot and there are many interesting characters but I think it is very repetitive and the Gauls always win the battles against the Romans.
    But finally i recomend to read these amazings comics and i considerate that the gauls are most inteligents than the romans.

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  37. Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve seen movies about Asterix and Obelix on TV, but I’ve never read it.
    The Gauls are a very intelligent people who know how to play with their enemy to ridicule him and undermine his morale. In addition, thanks to the potion that his druid prepares, he makes the battles against the Romans easier.
    In addition, Asterix and Obelix teaches that not only do you need to be strong to win a battle, but that intelligence plays an important role as well.
    Also, reading this comic has been a trip back to my childhood, as it reminded me of watching them on TV.

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  38. To be honest I had never read anything related to Asterix and Obelix, just never caught my attention, but this comic has pleasantly surprised me, it is quick to read and is very funny so it is highly recommended for those who do not like to read.

    About the plot I would say that it is very well the idea they give that the important thing is not strength, but intelligence. I really liked that it gives important lessons like this with humor.

    I will definitely read more Asterix and Obelix books or watch one of the movies.

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  39. I guess that most of my classmates had ever read something about Asterix and Obelix but it wasn’t my case. I had never been interested in comics becouse I thought they were just drawings and they weren’t engaging. After reading that I think I was wrong.
    I like the comic and I think it’s funny and enjoyable, while I was reading it I laughed a lot. Obviolusly I know it isn’t real, but it could be a good form to show that, sometimes it’s more important to be clever than strong. For exaple, Asterix and Panoramix were more intelligent than Romans, cheating them with the potions.
    I highly recommend reading it becouse it teachs important things and it’s also amusing.

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  40. I think that all comics of Asterix and Obelix have the sama or similar history and at the beginning I thought that this comic was bored. But now I think that it is funny.
    I used to watch this adventures in the TV with my sisters and it was funny.

    I know that nowadays anybody read comics because there are new technologies, however read comics is interesting and you can learn more expressions in english.

    This comic is funniest of Asterix and Obelix because the Gauls made a potion for Romans but it´s fake and it make that your hair grow and it´s more inteligent and funny.

    I am suprised because i had never read a comic in english, I have to admit that it´s funny. Now my idea of comics has changed. I recomend read it because it´s funny and interesting.

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  41. Since I was little I have read comics and one of them was Asterix and Obelix, I haven’t read for a long time but now I have read again and have fun while I do it since they are fun and interesting.

    In my point of view in the comic it is very interesting how the French and the Romans attack each other while the others defend themselves, I also like how he talks about the secret potion.

    I recommend reading the «Asterix the Gaul» comic to remember that reading is important.

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  42. Asterix the Gaul I read this comic when I was little, I liked the story but I liked the movie more. Since I didn’t like comics very much, they seemed to me just images with meaningless icons.
    But the story is very entertaining, very easy to understand and leaves you wanting to know the ending. And it has many teachings, it shows you that you don’t have to be strong to win, simply with intelligence and a little thought you can win.
    I sincerely recommend reading comics like this because in addition to entertaining you they teach you new and interesting things.

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  43. In my opinion this story is very funny and very easy to understand since there are many cartoons and it can be perfectly understood without reading it
    this story is about the Romans who want to conquer Gaul but they can’t.
    In conclusion, I didn’t like comics very much, but I certainly liked this one a lot because it reminded me of my childhood since I used to watch movies with my brothers and friends. I think that this comic means that being smart is better than be strong

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  44. I remember that in school they told us to read it, but i never finished reading it because I didn’t like it. Later I saw the movie and I liked it a lot.

    I remember this story with much nostalgia and affection and it transports me to my childhood, afternoons of movies and reading with my brothers.

    I highly recommend «asterix the gaul» because it is very interesting to read and not tedious at all. It will probably generate the same feelings for you as it did for me, in case you read it as a child like me

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  45. I don’t llike comics because I don’t know how to read them and are difficult for me. But in this comic I liked somethings and I hate other things.

    One thing I liked about the comic is that was short and I have read faster because the comic has a lot of pictures, also the history was interesting and transmit a message that is «strenght isn’t enough». The best part for me is when the Romans grew their hair after drink the potion. And one thing I didn’t like about the comic is that was in english and I didn’t understand every thing.

    But the comic was entertaining and I would read it again.

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  46. I used to watch these adventures on TV with my sisters and reading it reminded me of those moments.
    In stories of Asterix and Obelix you never know what is going to happen next, and that makes you want to keep reading. In this story they make a magic potion that makes your hair grow to trick the Romans.
    I recommend reading it because it is fun, entertaining and not tedious.

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  47. I used to watch these adventures on TV with my sisters and reading it reminded me of those moments.

    In stories of Asterix and Obelix you never know what is going to happen next, and that makes you want to keep reading. In this story they make a magic potion that makes your hair grow to trick the Romans.

    I recommend reading it because it is fun and entertaining.

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  48. I remember that when I was a child I watched many Asterix and Obelix movies, but I had never read a comic in English.
    This story is very entertaining and fun, it shows how the Gauls with their intelligence, defeat the Romans, making a magic potion.
    The Romans try to copy the potion of the Gauls, but they do not succeed and the Gauls end up defeating the Romans, thanks to their intelligence and potion.
    This shows that although strength is important, intelligence is more important.

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  49. Asterix the gaul comics are my favorites. I have read them since I was little, when my father took a comic from the library in order to read it together. We have had very good moments with Asterix and the other unforgettable characters of the story.
    Also, I laughed a lot watching the films with my family. I think that all members of the family enjoy, because Asterix and his friends remind us our childhood. It’s something amazing and strange that this gauls hold out all roman attacks, and the magic poison that increase the strength cause admiration in readers and spectators, especially children.
    I had never read an Asterix comic in English, and I notice that the names of some characters change from Spanish to English. Like Panoramix who is called Gauterix in English comics.
    However, it isn’t important, the main thing is to have fun reading the comic.

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  50. Asterix and Obelix comics, it is very entertaining comic which tells a story based on many years ago. I read this comic when I was little and I love them.

    This story is about magic and potions that made gales’s men very strong. it is the first comic of the saga, although I love that plot and my favorite character is Getafix, he is the druid of village Gaul. Asterix and Getafix, when Romans catch druid, they play jokers on the Romans in their own camp by making potions!

    In my opinion, Aasterix the Gaul there are a lot of drawins and this adventures are very fun.

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